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TRX is a unique suspension system which provides a complete workout with your own body weight.  Everyone adjusts  the  load  to  his  or  her  needs  by  changing  the  angle  between your body and the floor. The basic principle of TRX training  is the suspending of one part  of the body  while  the  other  one  remains  in  contact with  the  floor or  gym  mat.  TRX  workout increases streght, balance, activates body core and improves flexibility.

What can I gain from TRX?

TRX brings you results within the minimum time range. By functional moves and dynamic positions you will work effectively on body core strenght, endurance and all-embracing strengthening of all the muscles.

Is TRX the right workout for me?

TRX workout is suitable for begginers and for professionalathletes aswell disregarding age and sex. You can make the workout more individual by changing the angle between you and the floor. For safety reasons, children under 10 years of age (even if accompanied by an adult) are not allowed to attend group lesson. We do not recommend that children and teenagers aged 10-14 attend this group lesson.

What do I need for TRX?

Gym clothes, sturdy sports shoes, a towel and a bottle of water.

